We are talking and learning a lot about the Erasmus exchange that many people tries nowadays. I have a German friend who is living with one of my friends family that I now from surfing together.
His name is Henry and he is 17 years old.
He isn't here with the Erasmus, but it is similar to it.
-My name is Henry and I'm 17. I come from Germany and I'm staying in a family who lives in Zurriola. My "brothers" surf, and I getting a kick out of doing this sport now.
Our parents used to know each other, so this family offered me to come, and that's what I did.
When I heard about this offer I had no doubt I would come.
I think it is a new and really useful experience; you get to know other languages and different cultures, you see many different people, a very different life... and all this helps you to be open minded.
I go to the Doich School, so I'm learning some things in Spanish, and other things in German. I don't have difficulties, and my marks are great.
My Spanish is improving a lot and I'm making amazing new friends.
I do miss my family and my friends from there, but it is just a year, so I have to enjoy it and learn new things. In my worse moments I have the support of this lovely people, so no problem.
I would hardly RECOMMEND to those people who have this kind of chance, TO TRY IT FOR SURE.
This is what Henry told me, and my enthousiasm to do exchanges or go abroad has increased. He seems to be having a really good time. I can't wait to my next exchange!
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