That's one of the problems in the EU and they are coming up with a way to sort it out.
ENAR combats racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and promotes equality of treatment between European Union citizens and third country nationals.
Their mission is to obtain full equality and solidarity, allowing all members of society, whatever their skin colour, ethnicity, sex, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation, to participate and be included in society.
They are achieving this by specifically combating racism and discrimination based on colour, ethnicity, national origin, nationality, religion, culture, language or legal status.
ENAR is the voice of its member organisations in Brussels and advocates on their behalf. They aim to make a difference in a range of fields relating to equality and anti-racism, migration and integration, and social inclusion of ethnic and religious minorities in Europe.
This is a difficult subject to deal with, but I believe some day it will become true.
iruzkinik ez:
Argitaratu iruzkina