EU commission seeks to reduce use of plastic bags
This piece of news was written by Honor Mahony and publishe in in the 4th of November, 2013.
The European Commission tabled measures to reduce the use of thin plastic bags by 80 percent. 710,000 tonnes of them are thrown away each year.
Each EU citizen use almost 200 bags every year and throws them away after just one go. We are causing enormous environmental damage.
The bags take hundreds of years to degrade and we use them for just a few minutes.
Of the 28 member states just 12 have introduce legislative measures to reduce the use of plastic bags, Finland and Denmark four per year per person.
Poles, Portuguese and Slovaks use over a hundred times more.
Member states should be able to choose how to reduce plastic bag use - whether through bans or levies - there should be obligatory reduction targets.
The commission has missed an opportunity today but we will seek to ensure the Parliament redresses this.
The environment is getting worse everyday, and not only because of the use of plastic, but also due to the pollution of the cars and industries. We have to change that as soon as possible, because unless we do it, we'll hurt ourselves and life.
Lets' help the environment all together and make the world clean!
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