2013(e)ko urriaren 31(a), osteguna

German classes

On Mondays we are taking German classes with Daniel, who comes from England but studied the German language.
I think learning foreing languages is very important for the future, and I'm sure this bit of German is going to help us.
I have to say it's been a surprise for me, because I did't expect to have these clases, but I like with them because they are really fun as well as useful.
My mum is also very happy because she always wanted me to try the lenguage.
I hope to learn at least a base of it! ;)

Guten Tag
Guten Morgen
Guten Nacht
Auf Wiedersehen
Bis Bald

German language

Usue and I have done a presentation about the German language. Doing this presentation, not only have we learnt a lot about Germany and the language, but also about how to use the power point better. Here is the link for you to watch it.
I hope you like it!  

German language

2013(e)ko urriaren 19(a), larunbata

Asking people

Yesterday we went to the university area and the library next to it, not only to see how that place was like, but also to ask some questions to foreing estudents who were doing an Erasmus.
We found an american girl, who told us she wasn't here with an Erasmus, but with another similar thing called USAC.
She told us she was having great fun and making lots of new friends!